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 Bacttery 4 Venus
Space Apps Challenge


About the Challenge


Your challenge is to design an energy storage system that will power a surface lander or rover on the surface of Venus for at least 60 days, so that there is a viable energy storage capability for long-duration exploration missions.

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General concept

With the aim of developing an energy storage system for Rovers or landing modules, that will carry out activities on Venus, NASA and other associated space agencies have been searching for different solutions to this dilemma. The most revisited beeing wind, solar, chemical and even nuclear energy. Despite being the most studied, none offers sufficient guarantee to carry out a mission on this harsh planet.

“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Carl Sagan

About us

We are a group of high schoolers and graduated students currently trying to expand our experiences throughout the field of science. 

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