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About us

We are a group of high schoolers and graduated students currently trying to expand our experiences throughout the field of science. We consist of:
Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas, PhD in Biology (FCNyM, UNLP); Bachellor in Science in biology, orientation in Paleontology (FCNyM, UNLP); Graduate in Fine Arts and specialized in experimental codes (BBA, UNLP).
Marco Francisco Buschiazzo, Graduate in Fine Arts, specialized in experimental arts and a Biology degree student.
Ian Valentín Gottlieb Godoy Garraza high school student.
Ignacio Carvalho high school student.
Araceli Maldonado Clar high school student.
Blas Demián Garay Galeano high school student.

All members form part of the highschool of Fine Arts.

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Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas

Investigation and project redaction.

Marco Francisco Buschiazzo 

Investigation, organization and redaction of information.

Ian Valentín Gottlieb Godoy Garraza

Team leader, proyect presentation, investigation and translation..

Ignacio Carvalho 

Proyect presentation, investigation and translation.

Araceli Maldonado Clar

Web page design and audio composition.


Blas Demián Garay Galeano

Visual design, video editing and translation.


Thanks to

Emiliano Bertoli
Francisca Aparicio
Alex Bischoff

Fernanda Rodriguez

Elena Mange

Emilio Garcia Munitis

Emilio Gonzalez

Santiago Bezek

Tomas Gómez

Maria Estefanía Farias H.

Sol Represa

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